Google Search Console: Web Tools for beginners

Difficulty: Beginner

The Web Tools tab can arm you with so much valuable information that can be used to improve your website.

Make sure you check out this beginners guide GSC, as you should have an understanding of the basics before moving on to Google Web Tools. Ok, let's start with a breakdown section by section.

Ad Experience Report

This report is used to identify any violations in terms of ad experience, that your website might be having.

By this, it means is there something bad or annoying that users of your website might be experiencing when viewing ads on your website. The report will look at your sites behaviours, layout and content to determine this.

Testing Tools

The testing tools are more advanced tools for website back-ends.

They are used to test the structured data (format for providing Google with your pages information and the page's content) of your website and HTML email.

Other Resources

These are links to the other resources offered by Google to further improve your website.

Search Console

Links you back to your Google Search Console homepage.

Google Search Console makes your website experience easier, but if you think you’d like a professional to do all of this for you, give us a call to find out what we can do for you.


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