How to use Twitter Analytics

Difficulty: Beginner

Using Twitter for your business? You need to be thinking about more than what content you’re posting.

If you’re wanting to know if you’re getting the most out of Twitter, you need to be thinking about your performance. The best way to know if your campaign is on track is by analysing data.

Fortunately, Twitter has an Analytics feature which makes tracking your data easy. The data can give you an idea of what is working, what isn’t, and how you can improve.

Analytics has four important tabs: Home, Tweets, Audience, and Events.

Home tab

The Home tab gives you an overview of each month’s performance. You can see information such as:


You can get more information about each individual tweets by clicking on the “View Tweet activity” button. This gives you information on impressions and total engagements, including likes, retweets and media engagements.

Tweet Activity tab

The Tweet Activity tab gives you a breakdown of your tweet’s performance.

You can see a graph which visualises your tweets impressions over the last 28 days. The timeframe can be expanded to be 91 days.

You can also see your tweets, top tweets, tweets and replies and promoted tweets. This lists each tweet posted in the above timeframe and lists its impressions, engagements and engagement rate.

You can also see graphs of your engagements, link clicks, retweets, likes and replies, which also gives you a per day average.

Using this tab, you can tell which tweets resonate with your audience the best. You can use this information to modify what type of content you’re producing and sharing in order to increase engagement and impression rates.

Audience tabs

To get a deeper understanding of your audience’s interests, you need to navigate to the Audience tab.

Here, you are presented with five different tabs:


You also have the option to measure your followers, all Twitter users, and your organic audience.

Events tab

While this doesn’t give you insight into your own tweets, it can be useful if you’re wanting to know what significant events are coming up that people are tweeting about. This can help you to create a campaign around a certain event and know which audience to target.

More tab

You can find the advanced settings on Analytics under the More tab. This lists three options:


The app manager and conversion tracking will need to be set up before you can take advantage of the data.

This gives you an understanding of what Twitter Analytics includes, and how you can use that to ensure you have the most success with your campaign.


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